
Trainee Assistant Buyer

As I made my way to the Debenhams HQ just off the busiest shopping street in London, I knew something exciting was about to happen...boy was I right!!! That was over 10 months ago and it was the start of my amazing journey into the working fashion industry.

My first day at debs was one of the scariest days of my life, but I've never looked back! Leaving Manchester, family, friends and my beloved boyfriend has been one of the hardest yet most rewarding decisions I've made in my life. Now in full swing with my new job I feel like I'm progressing everyday.

Debenhams is an unbelievable company to work for and I'm lucky enough to be on the most exciting team....HANDBAGS!!! My roll involves assisting my AB and Buyer on a day to day basis in what ever way they need. One thing really exciting about Debenhams is the designer collaborations! On handbags we are currently working with some industry legends as well as newly established designers these include Jasper Conran, John Rocha, Henry Holland & Matthew Williamson. It is a creative pool as we work with the designers to create affordable fashion with designer flare!

What more could I want right now!??

X jessie

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